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Friday, January 29, 2010

A Sense of Need

This morning, I read this quote in a book called Working with God through Prayer by D. Edmond Hiebert, speaking of the passage in I Timothy 2 about the importance of prayer, and it encouraged my heart. I thought I would pass it along:

"1. 'Supplications.' This is a general word for prayer and means a request or a petition. As such it is used of petitions directed both to God and to men. Coming from a verb meaning to want or to lack, the word 'signifies a prayer which springs from the feeling of want.' The basic thought thus conveyed by this term is that of prayer prompted by a conscious sense of need. It is prayer arising out of a sense of human inadequacy to meet the demand of life.

"Such a conscious sense of need, either our own or another's, is essential to all effective praying. Without such a sense of need, our prayers lack depth and sincerity. Our prayers become formal, often the mere uttering of words that have lost their meaning and value for us. What believer has not at times found himself saying certain words in prayer, only to realize that his mind was on something far removed from his uttered words? When there is a real prayer burden arising out of a specific sense of need, it is not hard to concentrate on one's prayer. Surely in these eventful days when the pressing needs of mankind come crashing in upon us from every side, it is inexcusable to lack a motive for prayer. Critical world needs, as well as local and personal needs, constitute a standing challenge to pray."

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